
Your Service as a Functor

May 8, 2014

Marius Eriksen’s Your Server as a Function proposes a useful model for the development and reasoning of distributed systems with a service-oriented architecture. Most of the discussion regarding this paper seems focused on futures, but I’ve been thinking a lot about services and filters. The following discussion is not dependent on an understanding of futures.

A service takes a request and returns a response:

type Service :: Request -> Response

Services can be parameterized by other services:1

authorizedWwwService :: Service -> Service -> Service
authorizedWwwService authService wwwService request
    | authService `authorizes` request = wwwService request
    | otherwise = unauthorizedMessage authService

Filters, as defined in the paper, take a request and a service, and return a response:

type Filter'' :: (Request, Service) -> Response

However, if we curry the arguments, and swap the order of the Request and the Service, we get the following:

type Filter' :: Service -> Request -> Response

Noting that the return type of Filter' is Request -> Response, which is just Service. We can thus simplify:

type Filter :: Service -> Service

Filter is just a higher-order service!2

We can parameterize filters, too:

timeoutFilter :: TimeDuration -> Filter
cachingFilter :: Service -> Filter
loggingFilter :: Service -> Filter
statusFilter :: Service -> Filter
authenticationFilter :: Service -> Filter

If we add a Filter2, this would allow for things like load balancers:

type Filter2 :: Service -> Service -> Service

loadbalancerFilter2 :: LoadBalancerSettings -> Filter2

Decomposing redundant work in this manner allows a distributed system to be developed declaratively and safely.

  1. Type classes should specify the interface of the parameterized services to improve type safety, but that’s beyond the scope of this post.

  2. Another approach would be to make Service an instance of Functor, which is more-or-less done in the paper using the filter combinators (specifically andThen).